5 Famous Indonesian influencers visited ATOP Plastic Surgery for Gangnam festival

As 2019 Gangnam Festival was held by Koreaners,
5 famous Indonesian influencers visited 
ATOP Plastic Surgery Beauty Global Center
for a short tour and experience some of 
beauty treatments like botox and shurink.

Karina, Devina, Nadia, Intan, Adinda were the ones
to experience ATOP and our service.

Karina Nadila
instagram: karinaila8921

Intan Aletrino
instagram: intanaletrino

Devina Hermawan
instagram: devinahermawan

Adinda Negara
instagram: adindanegara

Nadia Purwoko
instagram: nadiapurwoko

This is an introduction of the pretty ladies' visit to ATOP.
More videos and pictures are to be uploaded very soon :)

Phone / Whatsapp: +82-10-7259-6012
KKT / Line ID: atopglobal
Facebook: @atoppsglobal 
Instagram: atop_global
Twitter: @AtopPlastic
Email: atopglobal0601@gmail.com
Website: http://atopps.com/en/
